Custom Properties Panel BPMN Issue


Added custom properties panel in BPMN but now I need to add custom dropdown also.But after adding custom properties panel section is showing, but when I expand magic properties its not showing any field also not showing any error.

I have used
“react”: “18.0.0”,
@bpmn-io/properties-panel”: “0.17.0”,
“bpmn-js-properties-panel”: “1.3.0”,

Hi @pummy_sinha ,

without seeing your Code and Setup, we can’t figure out the issue.

Can you please share the code of your costom properties? Are there errors in the console when you use the properties panel?

To share complete setups, create and link a CodeSandbox. This way, we can inspect the problem at hand in action and, thus, can help you in a timely and more effective manner.


Hello @Martin,

Here is my github code link. Custom properties will show after build the project.

Code Link - GitHub - pummy-kanhasoft/bpmn-custom: custom bpmn properties panel

First Step- git clone url
Second Step - npm i
Third Step - npm run build
Fourth Step - npm run start

Plz follow this step then after you will see magic properties after selecting startEvent and after every change you need to run 2 command - 1)npm run build 2) npm run start.

I have looked at your code and it looks like you are using the properties panel extension with JSX along with a react application using JSX.

The properties panel expects the component to be a preact component, not a react component (see bpmn-js-examples/webpack.config.js at master · bpmn-io/bpmn-js-examples · GitHub)

I would suggest to create the properties panel extension is a separate project, transpile it and then import it into your React application. This way, there is no confusion over which framework it should transpile to.