Custom CommandHandler

I created a command handler following this post Update custom BPMN meta data so it can be undone via CTRL+Z - #4 by nikku. I am trying to implement Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y for my custom shapes.

Originally I had this code for my custom ContextPadProvider:

function createLoopShapes(event, elementFactory, create) {
  const source = elementFactory.createShape({
    type: ElementType.ExclusiveGateway,
    gatewayType: GatewayTypeValue.Open,
    looped: true,
    x: 350,
    y: 0,

  const target = elementFactory.createShape({
    type: ElementType.ExclusiveGateway,
    gatewayType: GatewayTypeValue.Close,
    looped: true,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,

  const sequenceFlow = elementFactory.createConnection({
    type: ElementType.SequenceFlow,
    looped: true,
    waypoints: [
      { x: 375, y: 50 },
      { x: 375, y: 150 },
      { x: 25, y: 150 },
      { x: 25, y: 50 },

  create.start(event, [target, source, sequenceFlow]);

and I converted that into the following code, for the custom command handler, but it is not adding the shapes and no errors that I can see:

export default function CreateLoopHandler(elementFactory, create, canvas, modeling) {

    this._elementFactory = elementFactory;
    this._create = create;
    this._canvas = canvas;
    this._modeling = modeling;

    CreateLoopHandler.$inject = [

    CreateLoopHandler.prototype.postExecute = function(context) {
        const elementFactory = this._elementFactory,
            create = this._create,
            canvas = this._canvas,
            modeling = this._modeling;
        const sourceDataObject = {
            type: ElementType.ExclusiveGateway,
            gatewayType: GatewayTypeValue.Open,
            looped: true};

        const sourceShape =modeling.createShape(sourceDataObject,{x: 350, y: 0,}, canvas.getRootElement());

        const targetDataObject = {
            type: ElementType.ExclusiveGateway,
            gatewayType: GatewayTypeValue.Close,
            looped: true};

        const targetShape = modeling.createShape(targetDataObject, {x: 0, y: 0}, canvas.getRootElement());

            type: ElementType.SequenceFlow,
            looped: true,
            waypoints: [
                { x: 375, y: 50 },
                { x: 375, y: 150 },
                { x: 25, y: 150 },
                { x: 25, y: 50 },


What is the correct code for what I’m trying to achieve?

Can you provide a bit more context? What is it you want to achieve? Can you describe it in simple terms? I can’t see where you are executing this command.

Yes, I have a item called loop on my custom PaletteProvider that creates the shapes on click or drag, in order to implement ctrl + z and ctrl + z I am trying to create a custom command handler.

this is the code I have for the palette provider:

assign(actions, 'create.loop': Object.assign(getExclusiveGatewayLoopObject(), {
          action: {
            click: function (event, element) {
              commandStack.execute('createLoop', {
                event, element
            dragstart: function (event) {
              commandStack.execute('createLoop', {
                event, element

I register the command in another part of my code

 this._eventBus.on('diagram.init', function() {

    commandStack.registerHandler('createLoop', CreateLoopHandler);

I am able to debug the command postExecute code when is being called on click the Palette Provider icon but I do not see any shape added to the modeler canvas or any error on the console.

The code looks okay to me. Is there no error in the console at all?

No errors on the console. I debugged and it looks is passing through all the lines.

There is one thing, my project is on and old version of the library, Is there a chance an old versions do not allowed to do those commands?

this is what I have on my package.json as today

    "bpmn-js": "^9.4.1",
    "bpmn-js-bpmnlint": "^0.19.0",
    "bpmnlint": "^8.1.0",
    "diagram-js": "^9.0.0",

The code should work with older versions, too. But updating to the latest version is always a good idea.