Color schemes are imported twice in bpmn-moddel

Hi folks,

I’m studying the bpmn-moddle and wondering that the concept of colors is defined / imported twice here:

import BiocPackage from '../resources/bpmn-io/json/bioc.json' with { type: 'json' };
import BpmnInColorPackage from 'bpmn-in-color-moddle/resources/bpmn-in-color.json' with { type: 'json' };

As a result the colored shape has attributes from two namespaces bioc:stroke, bioc:fill and color:background-color, color:border-color.

Is it intentional and required, or is it some kind of legacy support?



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Hi @zambrovski!

The bpmn-in-color specification and our own color extension are two different things. The core tooling now supports both ways of inlining colors (to maximize compatibility).

Hope this helps.


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