Change behavior of custom tasks in token simulation


I just saw Pause at Node Behavior by nikku · Pull Request #91 · bpmn-io/bpmn-js-token-simulation · GitHub which is really cool. Is it possible to automatically activate pause behaviour of some tasks based on custom attributes in the business object?

In my use case I have custom tasks that look like this

<bpmn2:task id="Activity_0r6a4hc" resources:type="Request" />

In the token simulation they should either behave like a ReceiveTask or like regular tasks with the pause behaviour activated (whatever is easier to implement would be fine for me).

I assume that this could somehow be realised in ContinueHandler.js or PauseHandler.js but I couldn’t find out how.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks for the great work!

I was looking at the wrong place and found a solution by patching Simulator.js:

  function getBehavior(element) {
    if ( element.type == 'bpmn:Task' && 
         ( element.businessObject.type == 'Resource'  
           || element.businessObject.type == 'Request' 
           || element.businessObject.type == 'Release' )
       ) {
       return behaviors['bpmn:ReceiveTask'];
    return behaviors[element.type] || noopBehavior;

Now my custom tasks behave like a ReceiveTask.

Actually I also patched PauseHandler.js to disable the redundant context pad for the pause behavior:

PauseHandler.prototype.createContextPads = function(element) {
  if ( element.type == 'bpmn:ReceiveTask' || 
       ( element.type == 'bpmn:Task' && 
         ( element.businessObject.type == 'Resource'  
           || element.businessObject.type == 'Request' 
           || element.businessObject.type == 'Release' 
     ) {
     return [] ;

  return [