Hi… Just completed my first BPMN diagram in Camunda Modeler (for Mac) which I have to say worked great!
But… How do I output anything from that application to be used in a report I am making? There does not seem to be any way to Save As… a JPG or PNG, and there is no standard print functionality, which on Mac usually allows you to save as PDF.
I had the same requirement. I started out by adding SVG export. The problem with SVG is that the SVG file does not work properly in most programs. It works in Inkscape but general users should not need any extra programs.
I went for using standard print-out instead. Most (all?) modern browsers/OS have a “Save to PDF”-option when printing. If you use some CSS to hide palette/properties-panel/other stuff using a media-query, printout looks reasonable.
Hello i have integrated bpmn io in out application it has a print functionality, when trying to print the diagram it appaers cropped , this is generated using the overlay example, any ideas how to make it print properly ?
Yeah, that’s the very thing that keeps me confused about Camunda at all. It’s the most convenient modelling software for me with the greatest number of features, but the most inconvenient when it comes to sharing your processes. I export mine following two steps. I export all the data in xml extension and only then do the conversion to PDf with this tool https://www.altopdf.com/ doing so in that fashion also has its own shortcomings, but yet I’d never heard of any other way
Thanks how can input bmpn content to pdf make as here is the code for PDFMake
var docDefinition = { content: 'This is an sample PDF printed with pdfMake' };
// open the PDF in a new window
// print the PDF
// download the PDF
PDFMake doesn’T support SVG yet. You’d need to convert it to an image first and then create the PDF. There’s an example on their website: http://pdfmake.org/playground.html
La parte de compartir los mapas es muy importante. Pero antes, elaboren sus mapas pensando que los van a imprimir. Yo los elaboro considerando tres tamaños de papel: Carta, doble Carta (11" x 17") o 90 cm x 60 cm, estos tamaños me permiten muy bien comentarlos con mis compañeros y clientes. Camunda tiene la opción de generar la imagen.
Estos mismos tamaños los utilizo para mi documentación. Muchas veces tengo que documentar información adicional a mis mapas y ésto lo hago en “Word”, pego las imágenes en las secciones que los necesito, guardo el documento en dos versiones, “Word” y PDF. Recomiendo mucho que en word generen marcadores para que estos también sean generados en PDF y así el documento sea más fácil de leer. En PDF pueden hacer zoom a sus imágenes (mapas) y no se deforman.
May I ask you how do you do the magic conversion from XML to PDF? I haven’t seen ‘xml to pdf’ option on the https://altopdf.com site.
Btw, I’m looking for an option not only to export the diagram as an image, but also to export all the nodes/elements of the diagram (gateways and their conditions, tasks and subprocesses, etc.) as a detailed list for documentation (in text format in PDF).