Bpmnlint in angular

how to use bpmnlint in angular-cli ?
i want to implement bpmnlint in actions click !

bpmnlint is a JS library which can be integrated with any JS application, no matter which framework you’re using. I think the bpmn-js-bpmnlint extension is a good example how to invoke the linting capabilities.

If you have more detailed questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

thanks for your reply
I get an error when I use the .bpmnlintrc file.
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '.bpmnlintrc'
I also use the bundled-config file, but in this case, when I ignore Favin, no error is displayed.

Can you maybe share your setup in a CodeSandbox? This would make it easier for us to see things in detail.

Thank you. I added the relevant codes to 'codesandbox ’ I just commented on the items

Are you aware that the sandbox is throwing errors when initiating your Modeler component?


Furthermore can you please direct me to the point where you try to include the linting module?