BPMN properties panel unable to use additionalModules properly

Hi, I’m quite new using js and the bpmn-js, so, if I’m asking something dumb, my apologies.

I clone the new repo of bpmn-properties-panel to create my own properties panel. It’s works well. So, whitout any modification, I add additionalModules as BpmnColorPickerModule and CreateAppendAnythingModule, following the use extension guide, and also, all ok.
But when I click on the three dots or to change the color, I got this error.


I didn’t make any changes other than install and import the additional modules and put them to the modeler object.

from this:

const modeler = new Modeler({
  container: $modelerContainer,
  moddleExtensions: {
    custom: customModdleExtension
  keyboard: {
    bindTo: document.body

To this:

import BpmnColorPickerModule from 'bpmn-js-color-picker';
import {
} from 'bpmn-js-create-append-anything';

const modeler = new Modeler({
  container: $modelerContainer,
  moddleExtensions: {
    custom: customModdleExtension
  keyboard: {
    bindTo: document.body
  additionalModules: [

I searched for the error but always is related to import a feature from a module out of braces, but seems not be the this case.

Could someone help me?


I believe this is a cross post of BPMN properties panel unable to use additionalModules properly · Issue #8 · bpmn-io/bpmn-js-example-react-properties-panel · GitHub or vice versa?

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Fixed via Fix `mjs` include by nikku · Pull Request #9 · bpmn-io/bpmn-js-example-react-properties-panel · GitHub.

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