BPMN.IO Modeler - Diagram is positioned outside by using the zoom in button [+]

On a new diagram, by clicking on the plus sign / zoom in button. The diagram is moving to the top/left corner.

This might be a small thing to solve, but it just doesn’t looks that good to me.

The [+] button always zooms to the center of the current view. What would be your expected behavior?

I understand this seems to be as designed, but on a small diagram, the expected behavior would be to zoom into the view of the diagram instead of to zoom into the center of the page.



Hi nikku,

I wanted to ask there is an update on this?

We’re going to rework our demo some time in the future and may consider your request.

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Hi nikku,

ich would like to know, if there is any progress / update on this request?

Hi nikku,

is there an update on this?

Just open “https://demo.bpmn.io/new” and click on the plus for zoom on bottom right corner.
It just doesn’t look good.