BPMN.io embedded in Jupyter

Hello community!

I am working on a project with Jupyter Notebook, where I have created a variable that contains a BPMN 2.0 XML object. My goal is to embed the BPMN.io Modeler tool within Jupyter to automatically load the created object and interact with the diagram within the same environment.

As a workaround, I have embedded https://demo.bpmn.io/ in my Jupyter Notebook, but it only allows me to upload one file from the button.

I would appreciate your guidance.



I think our awesome list contains a community extension to integrate bpmn.io into a Jupyter notebook. Please check that out and tell us if it worked :slight_smile:.

Thanks @nikku for sharing a possible solution. However, after doing some tests, I can’t find the way to interact with the elements of the diagram (add, delete, modify, etc.), I can only visualize the resulting diagram statically.

Hi Rodolfo,
so have you found any solution for editing BPMN diagrams in Jupyter?