Autocolor element by certain property

Hi! Is it possible to make an element being colored depending on some property in properties panel? Would be awesome if you provide some code example/how-to

You could try something like this. This will autoColor based on the type of activity (UserTask,ServiceTask, or ScriptTask) You can probably extend it to fit your use case.


.djs-palette .entry:hover,
[class*=" bpmn-icon-"]:hover:before {
    color: var(--palette-entry-hover-color);

.bpmn-icon-user-task:before {
    color: #198c19;

.bpmn-icon-service-task:before {
    color: #ae3f3f;

.bpmn-icon-script-task:before {
    color: #ff7f50;


import './autoColor.css';

const shapeColors = {
    'bpmn:UserTask': { 
        fill: '#ebf2eb',
        stroke: '#198c19',
    'bpmn:ServiceTask': { 
        fill: '#f6ebeb',
        stroke: '#ae3f3f',
    'bpmn:ScriptTask': { 
        fill: '#f5d3c7',
        stroke: '#f85a21',

function AutoColor(
) {
    eventBus.on('shape.added', function({ element }) {
        const colors = shapeColors[element.type];
        if (colors) {
            Object.assign(element.businessObject.di, colors);
            // force async rerender
            setTimeout(() =>'element.changed', { element }), 0);

AutoColor.$inject = [

export const autoColorModule = {
    __init__: ['autoColor'],
    'autoColor': ['type', AutoColor],