Adding nodes without having to add pool

Is it possible to place nodes directly onto the canvas rather than having to add a pool?

I would like to have it so the user creates a flowchart per diagram so there would be no need to have a pool.

Any help would be appreciated and apologies if I’ve overlooked anything, I’m new to bpmn.

As long as there are no Pools on the diagram, you can add elements freely.

When you place a Pool, the diagram is transformed from a Process diagram into a Collaboration diagram. Only then you have to place flow nodes inside a Participant. See also Process Elements outside of a Pool

Thank you, can’t believe I didn’t try this in the first place!

My next question would be, how would got about disabling pools? Would it be with custom rules? I can make this a separate question if that is best.

Please create a separate thread for that. I’d also recommend to check out the examples before you post anything as you may be able to solve the issue yourself.

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