Unhandled Exception when change name of lane

I am using ASP.Net and have embedded the modeler into a web app to be able to draw and save workflow diagrams.

Only in Internet Explorer (ver 11.285) do I have a problem renaming the lane. I can change the name of the lane once. But when I attempt to change the name of the lane the second time, I get an “Unspecified Error”. It works fine in Chrome, FF, and Edge.

Here’s the stack at the time of the error:

? e
Unspecified error.
description: “Unspecified error.”
message: “Unspecified error.”
number: -2147467259
stack: “Error: Unspecified error.\n at prependTo (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:33460:3)\n at Anonymous function (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:33394:7)\n at forEach (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:55684:7)\n at Anonymous function (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:33391:6)\n at forEach (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:55684:7)\n at GraphicsFactory.prototype.updateContainments (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:33381:4)\n at Anonymous function (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:36115:5)\n at invokeFunction (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:33241:3)\n at EventBus.prototype._invokeListener (http://localhost:61061/ToolLibraries/BPMN/BPMN_PropertiesPanel.js:33121:5)\n at EventBus.prototype._invokeListeners (http://localhost:6

Here’s the diagram (very simple!):


And here are the steps to recreate the process:


Can you reproduce this issue on demo.bpmn.io?

Yes – all you have to do is loan demo.bpmn.io in Internet Explorer. Create a simple diagram (one or two tasks). Add the pool. Change the name of the lane. Change the name of the name lane again and error will appear.

I should note that, in IE, the words appear in, I think, Japanese characters (apologies if they’re not!) I’ve attached the screen shot with the error and the characters.