Translation of Properties Panel


I found this for translation of tooltips for palette and so (which goes in diagram-js) :

But I am not able to get how to translate properties panel text such as Id, Documentation, Name, etc.

Is this supported in BPMN io?


You can use the following code. Run this after properties panel initialization. Ok, it uses jQuery in some place, but feel free to modify it.

function translatePropertiesPanel() {
            //translate the tab panels of property panel
            var errors = $('.bpp-error-message');
            [], function(el) {
                el.setAttribute("id", el.innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"));
                el.innerHTML = translations[el.attributes[el.attributes.length - 1].value] || el.innerHTML;
            var options = $('.bpp-properties-panel option');
            [], function(el) {
                el.innerHTML = translations[el.attributes[0].value] || el.innerHTML;
            var simpleLabels = $("label");
            [], function(el) {
                if (el.getAttribute("for") === null) {
                    el.setAttribute("id", el.innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"));
                    el.innerHTML = translations[el.attributes[el.attributes.length - 1].value] || el.innerHTML;
            var groups = $('.group-label');
            [], function(el) {
                el.setAttribute("id", el.innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"));
                el.innerHTML = translations[el.attributes[1].value] || el.innerHTML;
            var entryLabels = $("[for]");
            [], function(el) {
                el.innerHTML = translations[el.attributes[0].value.replace(/-[0-9]+/g, "")] || el.innerHTML;
            var propertyPanelTabs = $('.bpp-properties-panel [data-tab-target]');
            [], function(el) {
                var translation = el.dataset;
                if (translation !== undefined) {
                    el.innerHTML = translations[el.dataset.tabTarget] || el.innerHTML;

Translations variable is the array of keywords which contains the translated text such as:

// Properties panel translation.
‘general’: ‘General’,
‘variables’: ‘Variables’,
‘connector’: ‘Connector’,
‘forms’: ‘Forms’,
‘listeners’: ‘Listeners’,
‘input-output’: ‘Input/Output’,
‘extensionElements’: ‘Extensions’,
‘camunda-id’: ‘Id’,
‘camunda-name’: ‘Name’,
‘camunda-elementTemplate-chooser’: ‘Element Template’,
‘camunda-implementation’: ‘Implementation’,
‘camunda-versionTag’: ‘Version Tag’,
‘camunda-process-is-executable’: ‘Executable’,
‘camunda-resultVariable’: ‘Result Variable’,
‘camunda-externalTopic’: ‘Topic’,
‘camunda-externalTaskPriority’: ‘Task Priority’,
‘camunda-asyncBefore’: ‘Asynchronous Before’,
‘camunda-asyncAfter’: ‘Asynchronous After’,
‘camunda-exclusive’: ‘Exclusive’,
‘camunda-jobPriority’: ‘Job Priority’,
‘camunda-retryTimeCycle’: ‘Retry Time Cycle’,
‘camunda-documentation’: ‘Element Documentation’,
‘camunda-connectorId’: ‘Connector Id’,
‘cam-extensionElements-connector-inputs’: ‘Input Parameters’,
‘cam-extensionElements-connector-outputs’: ‘Output Parameters’,
‘camunda-connector-parameterName’: ‘Name’,
‘camunda-connector-parameterType’: ‘Type’,
‘camunda-connector-parameterType-text’: ‘Value’,
‘cam-script-format’: ‘Script Format’,
‘cam-script-type’: ‘Script Type’,
‘cam-script-resource-val’: ‘Resource’,
‘cam-script-val’: ‘Script’,
‘cam-event-type’: ‘Event Type’,
‘cam-listener-type’: ‘Listener Type’,
‘parameter_must_have_a_name’: ‘Parameter must have a name’,
‘must_provide_a_value’: ‘Must provide a value’,
‘text’: ‘Text’,
‘list’: ‘List’,
‘map’: ‘Map’,
‘script’: ‘Inline Script’,
‘scriptResource’: ‘External Resource’,
‘start’: ‘start’,
‘end’: ‘end’,
‘class’: ‘Java Class’,
‘expression’: ‘Expression’,
‘delegateExpression’: ‘Delegate Expression’,
‘external’: ‘External’,
‘addListener’: 'Add Execution Listener ',
‘cam-extensionElements-inputs’: ‘Input Parameters’,
‘cam-extensionElements-outputs’: ‘Output Parameters’,
‘camunda-parameterName’: ‘Name’,
‘camunda-parameterType’: ‘Type’,
‘camunda-parameterType-text’: ‘Value’,
‘camunda-initiator’: ‘Initiator’,
‘camunda-formType’: ‘Form Type’,
‘camunda-form-key’: ‘Form Key’,
‘modelType’: ‘Model type’,
‘state’: ‘State’,
‘schemaType’: ‘Schema type’,
‘schemaName’: ‘Schema name’,
‘schemaComment’: ‘Comment’,
‘scriptType’: ‘Script language’,
‘processType’: ‘Process type’,
‘diagramName’: ‘Model name’,
‘custom_fields’: ‘Custom Fields’,
‘details’: ‘Details’,
‘external_task_configuration’: ‘External Task Configuration’,
‘multi_instance’: ‘Multi Instance’,
‘asynchronous_continuations’: ‘Asynchronous Continuations’,
‘job_configuration’: ‘Job Configuration’,
‘documentation’: ‘Documentation’,
‘input/output’: ‘Input/Output’,
‘execution_listeners’: ‘Execution Listeners’,
‘task_listeners’: ‘Task Listeners’,
‘parameters’: ‘Parameters’,
‘properties’: ‘Properties’,
‘input_parameter’: ‘Input Parameter’,
‘add_value’: ‘Add Value’,
‘add_entry’: ‘Add Entry’,
‘add_property’: ‘Add Property’,
‘value’: ‘Value’,
‘name’: ‘Name’


I am getting issues on using this. The palette components are not draggable on workspace + id is washed out.

I invoked this method after the properties panel and diagram is rendered.
