Three element in one group with their own properties


Hi. I want that the three parts of the ChoreographyTask above can be selectable, because I want to create the corresponding XML element, to create an XML model like

<choreographyTask id="id-choreographyTask" initiatingParticipantRef="id-first-participant" loopType="None" name="name">

In bpmn.json there are all properties I need, but I don’t know how to give them a value from the model.


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Please share the specs / a test case for what exactly you’d like to achieve and we may be able to help you out.

I have extended the camunda modeler with choreography task, now I would like to automatically generate the corresponding XML file according to the BPMN standard. More specifically I am able to generate the following model.


The expected XML file is:

<choreography id="id-557d327b" isClosed="false">
  <participant id="id-4193C385" name="Participant A"></participant>
  <participant id="id-70BEB9BE" name="Participant B"></participant>
  <messageFlow id="id-d77142e5" messageRef="id-bbe46bf2" sourceRef="id-70BEB9BE" targetRef="id-4193C385"/>
  <messageFlow id="id-fff9ff20" messageRef="id-b1a0714f" sourceRef="id-4193C385" targetRef="id-70BEB9BE"/>
  <startEvent id="id-DF8A6627" name="">
  <choreographyTask id="id-88C49C4E" initiatingParticipantRef="id-70BEB9BE" loopType="None" name="Task 1">
  <endEvent id="id-6D2D65E9" name="">
  <sequenceFlow id="id-1BCB8968" name="" sourceRef="id-DF8A6627" targetRef="id-88C49C4E"></sequenceFlow>
  <sequenceFlow id="id-959EDD04" name="" sourceRef="id-88C49C4E" targetRef="id-6D2D65E9"></sequenceFlow>

Which are the files/functions involved that allow me to generate the XML file?