signalRef is not loaded to the model

Hi there,

I’m trying to load an existing bpmn diagram where I have a intermediateCatchEvent tag and a signalEventDefinition inside that.

<bpmn2:intermediateCatchEvent id="_0CACC9F5-2927-485E-8122-3E43D2E61F46" drools:bgcolor="#f5deb3" drools:selectable="true" drools:bordercolor="#a0522d" drools:boundaryca="false" name="Ticket Monitor">
      <bpmn2:dataOutput id="_0CACC9F5-2927-485E-8122-3E43D2E61F46_pubMessage" name="pubMessage"/>
      <bpmn2:dataOutputAssociation id="_kRBIkFcDEeWF8qZhQW9kJw">
      <bpmn2:outputSet id="_kRBIj1cDEeWF8qZhQW9kJw">
      <bpmn2:signalEventDefinition id="_kRBIkVcDEeWF8qZhQW9kJw" signalRef="Monitor Service"/>

both load fine when I look into the businessObject but for the bpmn2:signalEventDefinition, the signalRef is not loaded. I looked at the definition and I see signalRef is defined there. I wonder if I’m missing something or if signalRef is not actually supported.

Any clue?


Hi @Angelo_G_Escudero_Vi,

I’ve build an example that handles error events: I would assume, signal would be the same pattern.

Hope this helps, Ingo