Let’s move on to the next chapter in your layout story. We can throw in some more bpmn-js magic to move all labels to the end of their connection:
connections.forEach((connection) => {
// ...
if (connection.label) {
const labelMid = getMid(connection.label),
lastWaypoint = connection.waypoints[connection.waypoints.length - 1];
const offset = {
x: 10,
y: 10
const delta = {
x: lastWaypoint.x - labelMid.x - offset.x,
y: lastWaypoint.y - labelMid.y - offset.y
modeling.moveElements([connection.label], delta);
CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/layout-magic-eyvt0?file=/src/index.js:748-1471