Print diagram to A1 paper

full error detail

do you think it could be issue due to my BPMN Modeler version?

It’s completely not readable if your code is formatted like that. Can you please add some tabs etc.?

If I can guess I would say, modeling is not put into your props initialization. So instead of of

function createAttribTabGroups(element, elementRegistry) {

   var colorAttribGroup = {
       id: ‘color-attrib’,
      label: ‘Color Attrib’,
      entries: []

    colorProps(colorAttribGroup, element);

    return [

var attribTab = {
  id: 'attrib',
  label: 'Colours',
  groups: createAttribTabGroups(element, elementRegistry)

you’ll have to do

function createAttribTabGroups(element, elementRegistry, modeling) {

   var colorAttribGroup = {
       id: ‘color-attrib’,
      label: ‘Color Attrib’,
      entries: []

    colorProps(colorAttribGroup, element, modeling);

    return [

var attribTab = {
  id: 'attrib',
  label: 'Colours',
  groups: createAttribTabGroups(element, elementRegistry, modeling)

Make sure you inject it correctly to your properties provider

function AttribPropertiesProvider(eventBus, bpmnFactory, elementRegistry, modeling) {
// ....

AttribPropertiesProvider.$inject = [

// ...

Btw. instead of using modeling directly, you could also go for the second way I’ve shown before for the set operation

set: function(element, values, node) {
   var color = values.color;

   var di = {};

   assign(di, { fill: color });

   return cmdHelper.updateProperties(element,  {
       di: di

This way you would avoid using the extra dependency.

with this option also getting error below

do i have version issue?

Please, make sure the functions you’re trying to call are defined. This kind of error can easily be debugged.

Fix it by importing: import { assign } from 'min-dash';.

sorry if it is stupid question in past i bundle it to one file so i am not sure how to include it import { assign } from 'min-dash