Pass value to properties panel component

In the properties-panel-extension example a component is passed when creating a new entry in the panel, specifically here,

export default function(element) {

  return [
      id: 'spell',
      component: Spell,
      isEdited: isTextFieldEntryEdited

The component can then access the element as follows:

function ZDFTextArea(props) {
    const { element, id } = props;

My question is: how can I pass other values besides element at this point? More specifically, I have a use case in which I have to pick between TextArea, Select and Checkbox, but some code (like fetching the labels) is common to all three. So I would like to be able to calculate that in the default function above and then pass values to the component. Is that possible?

Any prop that you set in the entry definition should be passed to the defined component. So when

 return [
      id: "spell",
      component: Spell,
      isEdited: isTextFieldEntryEdited,
      foo: "bar"

The foo property will be available in the Spell component.

function Spell(props) {
  console.log(props); // = "bar"
  // ...

Source: properties panel extension custom prop - CodeSandbox

Thanks, that works great.