Issue when updating from 0.22.1 to 17.9.2

Thanks @barmac , will try it.

Do you have any input for the error Tried to access di from the businessObject. The di is available through the diagram element only.
How we can rewrite the existing code
bpmnModeler.get(‘elementRegistry’).get(‘Participant_0q1tuee’).businessObject.set( ‘xmlns:sonet’, ‘’);
businessObject.set is not available in the latest version

Hi @barmac ,
Tried the bisect method as suggested by @nikku and found out that the latest working version in my application without any code changes is 6.5.1.
I hope now you will be able to provide support. Please suggest how to proceed.

That sounds awesome! So what does the CHANGELOG suggest regarding the (apparently breaking) v7.0.0 release?

The toolkit now requires the ES6 Promise to be present. To support IE11 you must polyfill it.

I made the changes accordingly for the above issue. Please not that this is not the issue faced in the latest version(v17.9.2).
The issue in the latest version is missing namespace information for … as mentioned in Issue when updating from 0.22.1 to 17.9.2 - #18 by anu

Getting the same error in version above 6.5.1(latest working version), changes are made as per the breaking change from the logs. Checked in 7.0.0 and the warning still remains even after the change

missing namespace information for…
Error: no namespace uri given for prefix …

@nikku /@barmac Could you please provide an input on this.

So what namespace information is missing for what prefix? How does your BPMN 2.0 XML look like?

Based of the previous example you linked, <sonet> must be properly declared in the BPMN 2.0 XML. Did you validate your BPMN 2.0 file if it is schema compliant?

I am getting this warning after the upgrade, I am trying to figure this out, bpmn was implemented a long back in our project and no modifications was done until the upgrade and everything was working well in the old version.

This error is returning from ElementSerializer.prototype.parseGenericAttributes in the bpmn-modeler file. Custom namespace is not getting added. @nikku Could you please check and let me know what will throw this error from bpmn-modeler as it is something due to the upgrade.

Please share the XML, or the portion that declares the sonet namespace.

If I open an existing bpmn file that already has the namespace it gets preserved, so no warnings observed for that scenario. For that case the code is as below:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><bpmn:definitions xmlns:xsi=""
id="Definitions_1" targetNamespace="">
<bpmn:collaboration id="Collaboration_0fvrgum">

The issue occurs when opening a bpmn file that does not have this namespace it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><bpmn:definitions xmlns:xsi=""
id="Definitions_1" targetNamespace="">
<bpmn:collaboration id="Collaboration_0fvrgum">

@nikku I hope this information will help to provide a solution for the namespace issue I am facing.
FYI I am using the pre-packed version for the upgrade

Hi @nikku /@barmac Could you please provide your feedback based on the above details.
How can I resolve this issue when using the pre-packed version. I can see related posts, need your support to resolve the issue.

Namespace not added to XML when exporting diagram with custom tags

Could you please advise?

Hi @nikku /@barmac Could you please check and advise on the below issue.

Hi @nikku / @barmac
Currently upto versions 14 are working fine with corresponding changes in the code based on the updates. When upgraded to version 15, facing severe issues. When checked the change logs I can see there is a breaking change in version 15.


@nikku / @barmac I kindly request you to please have look into this and help me to understand this breaking change so that I can make relevant changes in my code. Hope you will provide a feedback at the earliest.

Thanks in advance.

@nikku / @barmac /@philippfromme Could someone please check and update?

What kind of error are you getting now? Did you implement any custom renderer? If so, what’s the code for it?