How to register custom service for injection

I’m trying to figure out how to register a custom service for injection inside my custom property panel provider.
I want to do this in the custom provider:

export default function MyCustomPropertiesProvider(
) { ... }

MyCustomPropertiesProvider.$inject = [..., "myDataService"]

So where do I register the instance of myDataService, created elsewhere, into the DI system with the name “myDataService”?

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You add it to additionalModules when creating the bpmn-js instance to let the injector know about your component.

const modeler = new BpmnJS({
  additionalModules: [

Sorry I’m not keen on javascript modules.
I’ve understood that my custom properties provider works because of this index.js file:

import MyCustomPropertiesProvider from "./MyCustomPropertiesProvider";

export default {
	__init__: ["propertiesProvider"],
	propertiesProvider: ["type", MyCustomPropertiesProvider],

so when I

import myCustomPropertiesProvider from "custom-properties-provider";

where “custom-properties-provider” is the folder where index.js resides, the imported object is
{ __init__: "propertiesProvider", propertiesProvider: ["type", MyCustomPropertiesProvider] }

So, I get that init is used to determine the name with which I want to request the provided module, so __init__: "fooBar" means that I’ll write SomeModule.$inject = ["fooBar"].
What I don’t know (where should I look for documentation?) is how to tell the injector that I want to provide an existing instance instead of a constructor for the provided module. I mean, I want to write something like this:

{ __init__: "myCustomService", myCustomService: ["instance", _myCustomServiceInstanceFromAngular] }

Is “instance” a valid string for the injector? If not, what can I write?

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By browsing the source code of didi/lib/injector.js, I tried and managed successfully with:

{ __init__: "myCustomService", myCustomService: ["value", _myCustomServiceInstanceFromAngular] }

I can now call my angular service from the custom properties provider.


Nice! Unfortunately there is no documentation for this except for the README of the dependency injection framework we use and our example projects.

You might find this answer helpful: