using the autoPlace from the bpmn library(you can tell from the code)
i was able to find the solution, not sure its the best one, but it works.
before i start creating the sub process children,i cache the sub process bounds and position, same thing for its incoming and outgoing connections.
const position = {x: element.x , y: element.y };
const size = {width: element.width, height: element.height};
const outgoingConnection = element.outgoing[0];
const outgoingConnectionWayPoints = outgoingConnection.waypoints;
Object.assign(context, {outgoingConnection, outgoingConnectionWayPoints, size, position});
let incomingConnection,incomingConnectionWayPoints;
if (element.incoming.length > 0) {
incomingConnection = element.incoming[0];
incomingConnectionWayPoints = incomingConnection.waypoints;
Object.assign(context, {incomingConnection, incomingConnectionWayPoints});
after finishing the creation and re apply this data using:
to fix the size
and update the waypoints of the connections:
this.modeling.updateWaypoints(context.outgoingConnection, context.outgoingConnectionWayPoints);
if (context.element.incoming.length > 0) {
this.modeling.updateWaypoints(context.incomingConnection, context.incomingConnectionWayPoints);