Error: no definitions loaded in dmn

Getting error on savexml in react js

 async function save() {
    console.log("save click")
    let saveXml = await modeler.saveXML({ format: true });

For further assistance, please share a CodeSandbox that reproduces your issue in a way that we can inspect it.

What version of dmn-js are you using?

I am using version - “dmn-js”: “10.1.0”

Can you try using the latest version and see if the problem persists?

hi @philippfromme

I try with version 12.2.0 dmnjs verison but getting Error: no definitions loaded.
Please check below image

It seems like your’re trying to export before you’ve imported. Could that be the case?

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Thanks @philippfromme and @Niklas_Kiefer saveXML() is working.

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