Edit label of parent shape by doubleclick


I have a shape with multiple labels. Here the shape is a rectangle that represent a class and the labels exist for the class name, properties and functions. The labels are drawn inside this shape. It looks like a traditional uml class diagram.


A mechanic to support label editing is already included.

Now i want to edit the corresponding label inside the shape on a doubleclick. When the doubleclick is fired i get from the event the shape element. From this shape element i can navigate to all labels but i don’t know which one i should select (navigate to). Could i get all model elements (here labels) from the position i double clicked from the element registry?
Do i have to implement a filter?

The basic idea is to support partial edit (here of the Class A).

First of all, thanks for sharing this marvelous screenshot. Do you build UML on top of diagram-js?

Could i get all model elements (here labels) from the position i double clicked from the element registry?

Unfortunately we do not offer the ability at the moment.

I’m not sure what exactly you’re double clicking but I presume it is the parent element of the labels? If that is the case, you may extract the actual click target from the event position + children and open the editor there.

Yes, i did build UML on top of diagram-js.

So there exist no possibility to get all elements for a specific position from the element registry.

Therefore intersections between two connections (edges) are also hard and “inefficient” with the current data structure. Do i have to iterate through all elements from the registry to find possible elements that are intersected?

Yes, i did build UML on top of diagram-js.

Is it open source?

Nether open nor closed source. It is not published. I just play a bit around with diagram-js.

We’d love to see it open source so we’re able to link to it as an example. I’m sure it would serve as a great example of building editors on top of diagram-js :blush:.

Therefore intersections between two connections (edges) are also hard and “inefficient” with the current data structure. Do i have to iterate through all elements from the registry to find possible elements that are intersected?

The element registry is not meant as a bit map for element positions. You would need to maintain your own efficient data structure to figure out that information or turn to the browser for the heavy lifting.

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