Dynamic creation of custom Elements

I want to achieve that modeling Elements can dynamically be added to the palette. With static Elements I got it working an I am wondering how to adapt this to dynamically adding. I tried to create and array with objects of the elements but this doesnt work with the create Method. Basically I tried like this:

addModelingElement({commit}, element){
            let fieldName = element.taskType.toLowerCase();
            const newElement = {
                'create.painPoint': {
                    group: 'activity',
                    title: 'Create '+ fieldName,
                    imageUrl: element.icon,
                    action: {
                      dragstart: () => startCreate(element.taskType.toUpperCase()),
                      click: () =>  startCreate(element.taskType.toUpperCase())
            commit('ADD_MODELING_ELEMENT', newElement);

But the Elements dont get added to the Palette. Maybe someone did the same thing and can help me out.

Thank you very much

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We need more context to be able to help you. What is commit doing? How are the elements supposed to be added?