Display Properties such as dataInputAssociation in property panel

Hi there,

I just start using this wonderful toolkit. We are trying to move from jbpm-designer from jboss to jbpm-io. I had success on running this example: https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js-examples/tree/master/properties-panel

I could load an existing jbpm diagram I had but the properties panel is just showing the ID and the name for a task I select. Usually, on a task I have properties such as dataInputAssociation, dataOutputAssociation and ioSpecification. I wonder if these properties are shown by default in the properties panel or I have to create a custom element as in this example: https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js-examples/tree/master/properties-panel-extension


Yes, a properties panel extension would be needed here.

We have currently no full support of data input and data output association, but there is a pull request for a while now to implement this