Circular dependency in bpmnio while bundling with rollup


While attempting to bundle a typescript app with bpmn io as dependency with rollup, rollup complains about a circular dependency within bpmn-io

node_modules/bpmn-js/lib/features/modeling/behavior/ResizeBehavior.js → node_modules/bpmn-js/lib/features/modeling/behavior/util/ResizeUtil.js → node_modules/bpmn-js/lib/features/modeling/behavior/ResizeBehavior.js

should i open a bug ticket for this, or is this intended, normal behaviour?

This is indeed a circular dependency.

In ResizeBehavior:

import { getParticipantResizeConstraints } from './util/ResizeUtil';

and in ResizeUtil:

import { LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS } from '../ResizeBehavior';

Is this a warning or an error?

Please open a bug ticket in bpmn-js.

Also state as part of the bug ticket if that impacts you in any way, i.e. keeps you from bundling the library.