camunda:modelerTemplate doesn't reset during morphing (replace-menu)?

I created an element template that appliesTo only one element, but when using the morph tool (replace-menu), the “camunda:modelerTemplate” remains in the BPMN (as confirmed by saving the model at that state), leaving the properties panel in a weird state.

Has anybody else seen this before?

Can you share your template?

    "name": "DMN",
    "id": "someid",
    "appliesTo": ["bpmn:BusinessRuleTask"],
    "isDefault": true,
    "properties": [
        "label": "Decision Ref",
        "description": "This is the ID of the DMN you want to use",
        "type": "String",
        "binding": {
          "type": "property",
          "name": "decisionRef"
        "constraints": {
          "notEmpty": true
        "label": "Result Variable",
        "description": "Provide a field ID where you want DMN result to be stored",
        "type": "String",
        "binding": {
          "type": "property",
          "name": "resultVariable"
        "label": "Map Decision Result",
        "description": "Mapping type to use for the Result Variable",
        "type": "Dropdown",
        "value": "singleEntry",
        "choices": [
            "name": "singleEntry",
            "value": "singleEntry"
            "name": "singleResult",
            "value": "singleResult"
            "name": "collectEntries",
            "value": "collectEntries"
            "name": "resultList",
            "value": "resultList"
        "editable": true,
        "binding": {
          "type": "property",
          "name": "mapDecisionResult"
    "entriesVisible": {
      "_all": true,
      "implementation": false,
      "delegate": false,
      "resultVariable": false,
      "details": false,
      "documentation": false,
      "externalTopic": false,
      "callable-element-ref": false,
      "callable-binding": false,
      "callable-version": false,
      "callable-version-tag": false,
      "tenant-id": false,
      "business-key-expression": false,
      "dmn-resultVariable": false,
      "dmn-map-decision-result": false,
      "delegateVariableMappingType": false,
      "delegateVariableMapping": false,
      "configureConnectorLink": false