Angular-bpmn ,element with id __implicitroot already exists


I have tried to follow this github code

Compiled succesfully but whenEvent i have dropped any object from Pallet ,i am getting

EventBus.js:384 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘ids’ of undefined

my npm version is: 5.8.0

Node version: v8.11.1

I have download code again again ,but it always throughout this Error, I have also tried to change typescript version but without sucess


Hi @vikashsingh009, is there a reason why you did not create an issue on the repository itself?

If you want to play around, you can hit “load”. Then it creates a start event and you can go on with modelling. Maybe this helps a little… I had the same issue yesterday.

@vikashsingh009 Did you get any success in integrating modeler and property panel in Angular application. Please email me:

Will be of great help/