Adding sub custom element to the Palette

Hello everyone
Is it possible to split the custom element into sub category?

Thanks in advance

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Thanks :heart:

I managed to split the palette into two categories

<div class="toolbox"> 
<div id="basicElements"></div> 
<div id="customElement"></div>

function PaletteProvider(palette, create, elementFactory, yamlData) {

  this._create = create;
  this._elementFactory = elementFactory;
  this.yamlData = yamlData;

  palette._canvas.getContainer = () => {
    return document.querySelector("#customElement");


  drawBasicElements(palette, this)


function drawBasicElements(palette, that) {
  var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(() => {

    palette._canvas.getContainer = () => {
      return document.querySelector("#basicElements");
    palette._diagramInitialized = undefined;
    var test = {};
    test.getPaletteEntries = getPaletteEntries;

    function getPaletteEntries() {
      return {
        'create.receive-task': createAction('bpmn:ReceiveTask', 'event', 'bpmn-icon-receive-task', 'Receive task', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.exclusive-gateway': createAction('bpmn:ExclusiveGateway', 'gateway', 'bpmn-icon-gateway-xor', 'Exclusive gateway', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.inclusive-gateway': createAction('bpmn:InclusiveGateway', 'gateway', 'bpmn-icon-gateway-or', 'Inclusive gateway', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.parallel-gateway': createAction('bpmn:ParallelGateway', 'gateway', 'bpmn-icon-gateway-parallel', 'Parallel gateway', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.end-event': createAction('bpmn:EndEvent', 'event', 'bpmn-icon-end-event-none', 'End event', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.start-event': createAction('bpmn:StartEvent', 'event', 'bpmn-icon-start-event-none', 'Start event', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.task': createAction('bpmn:Task', 'activity', 'bpmn-icon-task', 'Task', that._elementFactory, that._create),
        'create.subprocess-expanded': createAction('bpmn:SubProcess', 'activity', 'bpmn-icon-subprocess-expanded', 'Sub process', that._elementFactory, that._create),

  }, 1000);

PaletteProvider.prototype.getPaletteEntries = function () {
  var elementFactory = this._elementFactory,
    create = this._create;

  function startCreateTask(event) {
    var serviceTaskShape = elementFactory.create('shape', {
      type: 'bpmn:ServiceTask',
      tool: this
    create.start(event, serviceTaskShape);

  function createDelegate(func, target) {
    return function () {
      return func.apply(target, arguments);

  let ret = {};
  if (this.yamlData && { => {
      tool.actions.forEach((action) => {

        let _params = action.params ? tool.params.concat(action.params) : tool.params;

        action.params = _.uniqWith(_params, _.isEqual);

        let delegate = createDelegate(startCreateTask, action);

        ret[ + '-' +] = {
          group: 'activity',
          html: `<div class="entry tool-yml" draggable="true"><img src="${tool.image}"><span class="text-tack">${ }</span></div>`,
          title: tool.display + ' ' +,
          action: {
            dragstart: delegate,
            click: delegate

  return ret;

 * Hide tools yml from basic elements
function hideToolsYml() {
  var toolsYml = document.querySelectorAll('#basicElements .tool-yml');
  toolsYml.forEach((tool) => { = 'none';

function createAction(type, group, className, name, elementFactory, create) {
  function createListener(event) {
    var shape = elementFactory.create('shape', {type: type});

    create.start(event, shape);

  return {
    group: group,
    className: className,
    name: name,
    html: '<div class="entry " draggable="true"><span class="text-tack">' + name + '</span></div>',
    title: 'Create ' + name,
    action: {
      dragstart: createListener,
      click: createListener

module.exports = PaletteProvider;

Now I try to do sub custom element.

For example :

  • basicElements
    • id=“basicElements”
  • tools
    • category 1
      * id=" subCategory1 "
    • category 2
      * id=" subCategory2"
    • category 3
      * id=" subCategory3 "

Is there a way to do this or I need to overwrite your Palette file

Thanks in advance

and another question :slightly_smiling_face:
Is it possible to create an external toolbox?
And connect it to